Contact Simon Robinson to discover where the next meeting is
Our Digging Deeper Bible study groups provide an opportunity to meet together and discuss God’s Word, usually by thinking through the passage and sermon from the previous Sunday morning service. Digging Deeper studies are relaxed and informal and there is a time to pray together for others in the group each week. Digging Deeper groups […]
Ladies’ Group is a warm and friendly meeting for women of all ages which usually includes a guest speaker, singing, prayer and an opportunity to enjoy time together over refreshments. Further Information The group meets at 2pm on alternate Thursday afternoons. For further details please contact Chris Thorpe on 07742 699204. .
Coffee, Craft and Chat (CC&C) is a very informal event which includes refreshments and a chance to socialise whilst making a craft. Pre-school children are very welcome and can join in with the craft or play with the toys provided. Further Info CC&C is normally held monthly on Mondays from 9am-11am please check here […]