Digging Deeper (Tuesdays)

Our Digging Deeper Bible study groups provide an opportunity to meet together and discuss God’s Word, usually by thinking through the passage and sermon from the previous Sunday morning service.  Digging Deeper studies are relaxed and informal and there is a time to pray together for others in the group each week.

  • Digging Deeper groups are held on Tuesday evenings (at 7.30pm), Wednesday Mornings (at 9.30am) and Wednesday evenings (at 7.30pm) usually meeting in people’s homes.
  • If you are not currently in a group you would be very welcome at any of these meetings.
  • The Wednesday pm Group is led by Peter Newton.
  • Digging Deeper Tuesday groups are lead by Simon Robinson (Group 1) and Mark Howson and Gary Haseman (Group 2). The Wednesday morning group is led by Rod Cook.
  • To find out more information, please contact Simon by calling (01473) 422965  or Peter by calling (01473) 685395.